The reconstruction of the 116-kilometer Vardenis-Martakert Highway, which includes the renovation and incorporation of the Vardenis-Drmbon route, is under way. Currently earthwork is being performed simultaneously in 12 sections of the highway and comprises rock-blasting, surface-leveling and -widening, and transposing of existing engineering structures. In addition, crews are installing gutters and building embankments and crash barriers.
By the end of 2014, when earthwork is expected to be finished, the highway will begin to accommodate passenger-car traffic between northwestern Armenia and Artsakh’s Martakert Region, resulting in significantly reduced travel times.
When completed, the Vardenis-Martakert Highway will function as an additional lifeline between the two Armenian republics. As importantly, it will help boost socioeconomic development in the close-to dozen communities located throughout its length.
The highway will become fully operational when it is completely paved and all safety elements, including traffic signs and lane marks, are installed. These components, representing the project’s final phase, are expected to be implemented with proceeds from the 2014 Telethon of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, to be held in November.